MC Guide

Thank you for serving at The Gathering! Your role is important to the organization and tone of the service and leads the community in worship. Please prepare with time in prayer. Read over these guidelines before the weekend. You will also be provided an order of service, which will include the announcements and benediction for the morning. Please review the order of service page carefully. It is best to arrive 30 minutes before the service starts, you can join in prayer with other leaders, and check in with others on the order of service (ex. the scripture reader or someone making a special announcement). Below is an outline and pdf, and also an example of an order of service.


Main purpose is to gather people into the sanctuary.
Mention bathroom location, kids - stay with parents until dismissed, there will be a coffee break.

First Song

Introduce the worship leader.

Welcome and Welcome Prayer

We have gathered today to worship our great God! We gather because we are family — God’s family!” 
“Welcome friends! Welcome guests! What a reason to celebrate this morning!”

Each week as we gather we start by reminding ourselves of what we want to be about as we gather. We use a number of symbols and even how we sit to help us with that.

The cross:
- the center of this community and the center of this gathering
- we are invited to look at each other through the cross
- our focus isn’t on the speaker or worship team, it is on Jesus

The candle:
- visible reminder of the presence of Jesus among us by His Holy Spirit whom we welcome to this Gathering this morning. We can’t see Him, but we believe His with us and in us and among us---lighting our way and also cleansing and purifying our hearts with His Holy presence. 
- He is our light and our guide.

The circle seating:
- unity
- we value community and seeing each other through the eyes of Jesus, if the cross gets in the way, that is intentional
- as we experience the grace and truth of Jesus, we are then able to express his grace and welcome to each other and to help others to hear Him
-  this is a safe place because Jesus invites each of us to know Him and follow Him from where we are at, and to accept each other as others do the same

Communion Sunday if applicable:
- we’ve been invited to the table today, be preparing your hearts as we move through the service.

There is a Welcome Prayer. It can help us turn our attention towards God. I invite you to take a moment and read the prayer over for yourself and then we will use those words as a guide and pray out loud together.
Join me as we pray together…”

Invitation to Praise and Songs

Instruct the worship leader to lead in praise and song.

Scripture Reading

Welcome the scripture reader to come up.

Announcements and Coffee Break

Make announcements on order of service, try to be concise and not take too much time. Announce Coffee Break and that it will be a 7 minute break.

Teaching Time and Response/ or Small Groups

Introduce the person giving the sermon.

Sending Prayer

Lead the congregation in the sending prayer.


Close the service with the benediction.